Augmented Reality is all over the place – is that a good thing?

General Electric is running an ad featuring Augmented Reality for the masses at the Superbowl, Mini convertibles live their 3D life in magazines (as ads), Lego is selling toys with Augmented Reality boxes. I've been posting Augmented Reality examples a lot during the past months and one thing is for sure: it's not just for … Augmented Reality is all over the place – is that a good thing? weiterlesen

Augmented Reality in education: How kids learn Mandarin with a book, a cell and a panda

I have done a little research about Augmented Reality (AR) lately and this is one of the few really useful examples of  AR solutions for books that I have found (unfortunately I couldn't find a video of it). Here is how it works: The book designers have embedded cues (a graphic or a code) into … Augmented Reality in education: How kids learn Mandarin with a book, a cell and a panda weiterlesen

Another pragmatic example of Augmented Reality in your everyday life: Wikitude AR Travel Guide for mobile phones

YouTube - Wikitude AR Travel Guide (runs on Android, Google's cell phone software) "This video demonstrates the augmented reality camera view of Wikitude AR on a G1 phone from a beautiful viewpoint looking down on Salzburg. Wikitude is a mobile travel guide based on Wikipedia and Panoramio. Search landmarks in your surroundings and view them … Another pragmatic example of Augmented Reality in your everyday life: Wikitude AR Travel Guide for mobile phones weiterlesen

Ray-Ban offers Augmented Reality service to sell glasses online

Augmented Reality steps into our living-room with this new web service from Ray-Ban: All you need is a webcam and their software (PC only). Then you pick some glasses from the online catalogue and see yourself in a virtual mirror. Works especially great with sunglasses, since you see yourself just like others do for the … Ray-Ban offers Augmented Reality service to sell glasses online weiterlesen